In this paper, fourteen standard models were used to estimate the moisture ratio of three varieties of bean in Iran\n(Talash, Sadri and Mahali Khomein). The experiments were carried out using distilled water at three temperatures (5�°C, 25�°C\nand 45�°C) and three replicates. The standard models of water absorption were fitted to the experimental data. To evaluate\nthe models, three parameters: coefficient of determination (R2), chi-square (?2) and root mean square error (RMSE) were used.\nThe appropriate model was chosen based on maximum value of coefficient of determination and minimum value of chi-square\nand root mean square error. The effective moisture diffusivity coefficient of three verities in each temperature was estimated\nby Fickâ��s equation. The result demonstrated that the Weibull model is the most appropriate for each variety in three\nexperimental temperatures to estimate moisture ratio changes versus time in soaking. Thus, moisture ratio versus time was\nplotted for each case, using Weibull equation. The plotted curves of each variety of bean indicated that moisture ratio\ndecreases with increase in temperature. Besides that, the effective moisture diffusivity coefficient of three verities increased in\nresponse to increasing temperature from 5 - 45�°C.